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Daily Summary for 8/23/2023

Big Rig Steve officially done for the day at  18:54 safely parked near Mifflinville, Pennsylvania.  All times are EDT today. 

Title: “Welcome to New Jersey”-honking begins 

Big Rig Travels broadcast day began at 10:40 at Pilot near Bordentown, New Jersey with a trailer washout which ends up helping, by comping our parking for last night.

12:26 stopped at turnpike service area near Woodbridge Township, NJ for Road Crew meet up with Will W and Will’s Mom that drove 3 1/2 hours to meet Big Rig Steve. Will brought BRS Cheetos. 12:40 Will W waves at Blue Comet as they passed us.. 

12:52 Newark, NJ toll plaza chaos occurs. BRS said as honking starts around us, “Welcome to New Jersey“ and  “What does a beeping horn get ya?” Yes, recommend watching the playback as it is impossible to describe exactly what happens with this mess which caused us to be in wrong position for our exit, dag nabit. 

13:02 Zelda finally wakes up to help us, short time later BRS tells Zelda “Shush!” Yep, she wanted a left when we needed to go right.  

13:28 BRS stated another of our mottos, “It’s ok to get lost as long as you don’t hit nothing.”

16:39 Loaded and rolling back into the mess of Newark traffic. 

16:47 BRS points out smoke from a fire over in New York City, BRS asked if Road Crew knew what was on fire

Numbers: 564 mile 907 km to the receiver. We covered 207 miles 333 km including the trailer wash out and live load. BRS said it felt like we had completed 1,000 miles though today. 

Clocks : 5:01 hours on 11 hr,  3:57 hours on 14 hr, 15:37  hours on 70 hr, gain back 3:21 hours tomorrow morning. 

 No alarm clock tomorrow morning 

Another good day for Big Rig Travels

Welcome back to Pennsylvania 

Please post comments anything of importance or interest of today’s trip that was not included or feedback for Steve about todays broadcast. 

Yes, if you have missed today you can replay todays trip choose the YouTube channel tab on Bigrigtravels website

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