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What a mess! 

Well,  we have another truck. It’s a 2014 Cascadia with 446,000 miles on it and is pretty worn out! Everything seems to be in working order, but I am not exactly thrilled with leaving behind our good truck for this one. Moving everything I own from one truck to another is a big pain. The thing about this truck is since the mileage is so high, we won’t have it long before it gets turned in for wholesale…… then we might get another shot at a brand new truck. Guess that means yet another move! We are waiting for a trip that will send us through Houston so we can stop by the shop and finish moving my stuff. The one good thing is at least we will be making money again and back to broadcasting.  It’s a sunny and very windy day down here in Laredo,  Texas, but at least we are not stuck in all that ice storm mess in Kansas and Nebraska. As soon as we get a trip, I will post it.

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