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Well, I decided to chop up alot of fajita veggie leftovers and make a good salad that I can munch on for a few days….. one broccoli head, cucumber, onion, green pepper, tomato, mushrooms. Just add lettuce and dressing when I actually eat! :) Looks good to me and a way to get rid of all the straggler veggies in the fridge! IMAG0499 So, I have been playing around with the website GPS map info….and I think it is not too accurate! This is where it told me I was when all I did was walk around the hotel a few times here and there. LOL 2015-06-16_12-40-46 And finally, my weight is now at 140! I have really packed on the weight and I need to slow down and eat on a more regular basis rather than eat everything I can stuff in as soon as I see it! LOL Here is a photo of a “Little Planet view” of a panorama I was working on taken at the St Charles Riverfest just the other day….. CaptureI did more lab tests today to check the numbers and levels, have a follow-up appointment tomorrow, then one next week. If all continues to go good and improve, we just might be on the road in a week or so!

FORGOT: Here are photos I took of the St Charles Riverfest the other day…Good day to get out! Riverfest photos.

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