UPDATE – Road Crew Radio
Well, sadly, it looks like the data towers got too crowded too fast and we went from 25MB/s upload speed down to less than 1! Looks like everybody got home from work then started playing on the internet. We will have to try again at 9am central time. The mornings, we have been able to maintain the full 25MB/s because everybody is at work. If we fail again tomorrow, we will just postpone it until we get back on the road with a full signal.
Good afternoon to ya Road Crew! So, here is the new feature we are adding to BigRigTravels.com….
We will have our very first Road Crew Radio Show scheduled for 7pm Central time Tuesday night. This Radio Show will be where I discuss a main topic each show then have a few other segments including a chance for callers to call in and talk LIVE on the air with me about the topic first, then near the end of the show we will have Open Mic segment where callers can talk about anything they like. There is a catch about tonight’s show however…. I have been testing many times the last week all across the country but for some reason, the signal is very poor here in Belvidere, Illinois in the evenings. During last night’s testing, the signal was so poor we dropped 76% of the frames and we cannot broadcast under those circumstances! So, we will try to do the show at 7pm as mentioned, but if the signal is n good, we will try again at 9am Wednesday. For some reason, the signal is fantastically fast in the mornings! We will broadcast the show live, and if there are problems, we will edit those out in the final show.
The LIVE call in number for our show is (806)4BigRig or (806) 424-4744. The call in number is only active during the live broadcast. I have allocated 5 lines available, any callers calling in once those 5 lines are full will get a busy signal. When you call, you will follow the prompts and I will get to you when I can. It is important that when you get connected to the show, you turn down the volume on YouTube and talk normally on your phone as to prevent feedback… and of course the slight delay between us actually talking on the phone and when it gets broadcast over the air, the built in delay might confuse you lol.
The email directly for the Radio Show is RoadCrewRadio@BigRigTravels.com to send your topic ideas, suggestions, and show comments.
Let’s hope we can go LIVE at 7pm, with chatroom opening up at 630pm. If not, we will try again at 9am Wednesday. See ya there!!

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