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Messy night last night…

Howdy ! Sorry for the delay in making this post. Yesterday we were scheduled to pick up a pre-loaded trailer from our lot and makinga deliveryat 9pm. After attaching to the trailer, we noticed a tire completely off the rim. We called the on road people and they took 6+ hours to fix it, which was two hours past the delivery. Now, the delivery has been rescheduled but we won’t be dealing with it. We have our next trip and it’s posted. We will go get it this afternoon.

In other news, the phone that has been keeping up with our map location has officially been destroyed since I was trying to get the snowman to work and I lifted the phone up, it caught the bottom of the steering wheel, then bounced out the door which was open at the time. I tried turning the phone on and it only shows jagged lines and is trash now. So much for that lol. So, the map may or may not show us moving until we can get a new replacement.

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