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Eight Seconds…

I am feeling lead to make this post. It’s about one of our core beliefs and convictions. It’s about answering a question we actually get asked alot about. “Why doesn’t BigRigSteve answer questions in chat”? Actually, I do talk with viewers and read chat while stopped in line at the fuel pumps, end of day, watch parties, etc.

I have mentioned numerous times that safety while driving a big rig is like being a brain surgeon. You only have one shot at doing it without mistakes. Any surgeon would be expected to be paying 1000% attention to the task at hand. One misstep could be fatal or leave a patient injured for life. Truck driving, to me, is the exact same thing in regards to importance. When I am behind the wheel of my 80,000 pound, 72 foot long, 13ft tall truck, I absolutely must keep my eyes on the road ahead of me – even at the risk of alienating some of our viewers who don’t understand the reasoning.

There are alot of electronics that can distract a trucker, and even four wheelers. Phones, tablets, radios, Facebook, and the list goes on. Even as a live broadcast trucker, more eyes are watching me drive and watching every single move i make. Every. Single. Minute. runs completely automated while driving. Alot of coding and expense has made it necessary and required to make sure I am not distracted by ANYTHING. There is NO reason anyone should ever drive distracted. Because so many drivers do, that means I must look out not only for myself, but everyone else as well.

Below is a video of a real life situation involving a trucker that was distracted for eight seconds – which changed countless lives. If you watch my stream for any length of time, you will occasionally hear me point out drivers that are texting or playing with their phone. Heck, one time going through Memphis, we saw a trucker riding between two lanes and HE HAD A LAPTOP on his steering wheel! Let’s put an end to distracted driving. Period. Don’t you do it. Don’t allow others to do it. There is no reason good enough to not put your full attention to driving.

As you watch the video below, realize it only took eight seconds. Everybody “thinks” it won’t happen to them. You’re wrong.

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