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Daily Summary for 3/19/2024

Daily Summary for 3/19/2024

Big Rig Steve was officially done for the day 20:42 EDT safely parked near St Matthews, South Carolina. 

Title: No Trip Turns into a New Trip

Big Rig Travels broadcast day begins at 11:25 EDT at the QT near Gaffney, SC.  BRS had been busy cleaning the interior of the Blue Comet while waiting to be assigned a trip. Steve decided to make the short trip to the terminal near Greer, SC as he could accomplish doing some laundry and get a shower.

BRS headed out on I-85 south at 11:35 EDT.  Arrived at the terminal near Greer at 12:09 EDT to wait for our next trip.

Broadcast resumed at 18:14 EDT.  BRS had received a trip, so we were going to the QT to pick up fresh coffee at 18:19 EDT where we would start our trip to the shipper in North Charleston.  BRS had checked a rest area at 20:20 EDT which was full, so travelled on towards St Matthews.

Numbers:  75 miles 120 km to shipper.  We covered 164 miles 263 km rolling within South Carolina.

Clocks: 7:54 hours on 11 hr,  4:24 hours on 14 hr,  66:19 hours on 70 hr.  Do not gain back hours tomorrow morning. 

No alarm clock ⏰ tomorrow.   Choose the BRT YouTube channel alarm bell to receive notifications for the start of our broadcast.

Welcome to the constantly growing Big Rig Travels family. Big Rig Steve is glad to have you as part of the family.

Another good day for Big Rig Travels.

Welcome to our continued stay in South Carolina.

Please post comments anything of importance or interest of today’s trip that was not included or feedback for Steve about todays broadcast. 

Yes, if you have missed today you can replay some or all of today’s trip. Choose the YouTube channel tab on Bigrigtravels website and while you’re at the website check out the BRT store for BRT merchandise. 

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