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Daily Summary for 1/29/2024

Big Rig Steve officially done for the day at 16:21 PST safely parked in North Las Vegas, Nevada.

Title: Virgin River Gorge drive

Big Rig Travels broadcast day began at 8:01 MST in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Love’s.  34 hour restart was completed.  Started our trip to Springville, UT to pick up a preloaded trailer.  35 degrees and clear skies to start the day.  

Arrival at the shipper near Springville at 9:37 MST.  BRS had to wait to check in, completed the drop of a brand new trailer and hooked up to another brand new trailer.  Maybe our trailer woes have been reversed?  Upon checking out at the shipper’s own scale, our mass/weigh check showed that we were over by 660 pounds on our trailer tandems. Due to the California bridging rule we could not move tandems back any further than they were.  So at 10:00 MST we back into a dock to have the load reworked.  

Leaving the shipper at 10:56 MST, the load is balanced perfectly.  Status is changed to on time to delivery. 

Back onto I-15 south at 11:05 MST traveling through Utah with scenery of snow capped mountains.

Stopped at Loves 12:41 MST near Fillmore Utah for fresh coffee and hotdogs

Welcome to Arizona at 15:31 MST.  Shortly afterwards, we rolled through the beautiful Virgin River Gorge live streamed thanks to BRS investment in Starlink technology.  You can visit the BigRigTravels Road Crew facebook page for some wonderful photos of this picturesque drive, both through the gorge and earlier in the day through the Utah mountains posted by other Road Crew members.

Welcome to PST and the state of Nevada at 15:03 PST.  

Numbers:  261 miles 420 km to receiver, delivery is 7:30 PST on Wednesday, so we have plenty of time.  We covered 424 miles 682 km including drop and hook, load reworking and rolling though Utah, a little corner of Arizona and into Nevada.  We are 72 gallons away from reaching Platinum status for February.

Clocks: 3:16 hours on 11 hr,  4:15 hours on 14 hr,  60:37 hours on 70 hr.  Do not gain back hours tomorrow morning due to completing a 34 hour restart. 

No alarm clock ⏰ tomorrow.   Choose the BRT YouTube channel alarm bell to receive notifications for the start of our broadcast.

Welcome to the constantly growing Big Rig Travels family. Big Rig Steve is glad to have you as part of the family.

Another good day for Big Rig Travels.

Welcome to Nevada

Please post comments anything of importance or interest of today’s trip that was not included or feedback for Steve about todays broadcast. 

Yes, if you have missed today you can replay some or all of today’s trip. Choose the YouTube channel tab on Bigrigtravels website and while you’re at the website check out the BRT store for BRT merchandise. 

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