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Beautiful scenery…

… if you are patient.  Our next trip is now posted and it is only the second time we have gone this route on US highway 97 through some of the most beautiful places in Oregon! As far as I can remember,  we have passed through there just twice in 12 years! When I first started trucking and we rolled through here, we were not even Broadcasting to the website yet. I was just in awe of the mountains and valleys,  the wide open prairies and flowers I’d never seen before.  Lakes, streams,  waterfalls.  It felt like I was a Million Miles from anywhere.  As we do this trip this time, we are equipped with more cameras than last time we visited these areas. I will try to stop and visit where I can, but be forewarned,  the most scenic and far away places have nothing but dialup. Life is slower in these areas and they don’t need all the hype of fast internet.  Obviously,  we will broadcast what we can, hard record what we can, and when possible,  be sure to peek in to the snowman camera since he can push out a new image even on slow dial up. Here are a few galleries from the first trip… Shoe Tree Shaniko, Oregon Grass Valley, Oregon US Highway 97

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