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Road Crew Audio Clips Submission Form

Road Crew Audio Clips Submission Form

Use this form to submit your Road Crew Audio Clip. Please keep it to less than a minute or so.
You are free to be as creative as you wish, but remember to keep it family friendly and kid safe.
An example of what you can say is "Hi this is so and so from Anywhere city in state, and we watch BigRigTravels!" Or something similar.
All submissions are kept private until reviewed for publication.
**By submitting any audio clip, you automatically grant BigRigTravels permission to use it on the website and/or LIVE broadcast.**

Your Name
Your Name

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Road Crew Testimony Submission Form

Road Crew Testimony Submission Form

Use this form to submit your Road Crew Testimony/Story.
You are free to be as creative as you wish, but remember to keep it family friendly and kid safe.
Tell us how BigRigTravels has helped you, made you smile, or educated you in any way. Here is your chance to tell the world your story.
All submissions are kept private until reviewed for publication.
**By submitting any testimony, you automatically grant BigRigTravels permission to use it on the website and/or LIVE broadcast.**

Your Name
Your Name