Daily Summary for 2/14/2024
Big Rig Steve broadcast day done at 11:11 PST as the Blue Comet neared the exit from I-15 to complete the trailer drop for the Re powering of this load. BRS advised that we would be done for the day afterwards as we started the day early back in Utah and needed to save hours for next trip.
Title: BRT Valentine’s Day drive to Las Vegas
Big Rig Travels broadcast day began at 4:34 MST at Loves near Green River Utah continuing our trip to North Las Vegas Nevada
With fresh coffee BRS headed in to the darkness back on to I-70 west Steve advised the road crew to “put on your night vision glasses “ RC job was to watch for wildlife on the roadway.
BRS points out at 6:43 MST near Salina UT “Daylight is just starting to show up”.
Reached the End of I-70 exit rolled onto I-15 South at 7:42 MST
Cedar City Utah Loves was our next stop for 60 gallons of fuel and fresh coffee at 8:50 MST
BRS advised as we rolled back onto the big road that our new goal was arrival at the re power transition site by 11:00 PST so next driver would have earlier start to the final delivery.
Numbers : we covered approximately 400 miles 643 km rolling out of Utah into and out of Arizona into Nevada
Clocks approximately 18:00 hours on 70 hr as the broadcast ended BRS did not address how many hours we gain tomorrow morning. We are 240 Gallons away from Loves Gold status for March
BRS advised that we do have our next trip and may take most of day tomorrow to reach the shipper and acquire the load.
Happy Valentines Day from BigRigTravels
No alarm clock ⏰ tomorrow. Choose the BRT YouTube channel alarm bell to receive notifications for the start of our broadcast.
Welcome the constantly growing Big Rig Travels family, Big Rig Steve is glad to have you as a part of the BRT family.
Another good day for Big Rig Travels
Welcome to back to North Las Vegas Nevada
Please post comments anything of importance or interest of today’s trip that was not included or feedback for Steve about todays broadcast.
Yes, if you have missed today you can replay some or all of today’s trip. Choose the YouTube channel tab on Bigrigtravels website and while you’re at the website check out the BRT store for BRT merchandise

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